The Waterless SeaA Curious History of Mirages【電子書籍】[ Christopher Pinney ]
<p>Mirages have long astonished travelers of the sea and beguiled thirsty desert voyagers. Traditional Chinese and Japanese poetry and art depict the above-horizon, superior mirage, or <em>fata morgana</em>, as exhalations of clam-monsters. Indian sources relate mirages to the “thirst of gazelles,” a metaphor for the futility of desire. Starting in the late eighteenth century, mirages became a symbol in the West of Oriental despotismーa negative, but also enchanted, emblem. But the mirage motif is rarely simply condemnatory. More often, our obsession with mirages conveys a sense of escape, of fascination, of a desire to be deceived. <em>The Waterless Sea</em> is the first book devoted to the theories and history of mirages. Christopher Pinney navigates a sinuous pathway through a mysterious and evanescent terrain, showing how mirages have impacted politics, culture, science, and religionーand how we can continue to learn from their sublimity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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HIS 関連ツイート
whim 気まぐれ
@Jhenodiras 2018/07/05 22:25
on a whim 気まぐれに ふと
He quit his job on a whim.
I had a sudden whim to take a walk.
@his_dc5 そこなんですよねー
@oras87012768 2018/07/05 22:28
@K_and_his_B もちろんです。録画OKです😊
@junjunyonghwa 2018/07/05 22:31